Chapter Officers
Jaclyn Pullen

Hi! I am so excited for the privilege to serve again on Chapter Council as President of the Gamma Delta Chapter. I am honored to be able to work with the amazing girls elected into Council, and to see what they all do to further the values of Kappa. Last year, I was elected as House Chairman, which helped me grow with my communication skills, time management, dedication, and love for Kappa. I am hoping that this year I can utilize those skills in my new role, and grow even more! I plan to uphold the Kappa standards and values, as well as work to create a consistency and expectancy amongst our chapter. I hope that my love for Kappa is shown through the work I do with our chapter. I am currently a Junior studying Public Relations and Strategic Communications here at Purdue, which will help me apply what I am learning to Kappa and gain real life experience from Kappa for my major. I am thrilled for this upcoming year, and I am confident in this Chapter Council!
Christine Cunningham

Vice President Standards
I am a junior in the Doctor of Pharmacy program here at Purdue. I am so excited to have the privilege to serve on Chapter Council for a second term. Last year, I served as the risk management chair where I learned time management skills, effective planning, and how to be detail-oriented. I can’t wait to take these skills and put them to use in the Vice President Standards position. As Vice President Standards, I am planning to improve house morale, work on being consistent within the chapter to hold girls accountable for their actions, and also serve as a role model and resource to younger girls on Chapter Council. I am so excited to watch everyone grow this next year and continue to push Kappa in a positive direction. I can’t wait to work with you all and see what is in store for the Gamma Delta chapter this year!
Alex Slear

Vice President Organization
I’m so excited to be starting my second term on chapter council! I am currently a junior pursuing a finance and management degree. Last year I served as treasurer and am looking forward to serve on chapter council again and keep pushing our chapter in the right direction. I enjoyed my time as treasurer to broaden my quantitative, time management, and organization skills and I am excited to bring what I have learned over the past year to be successful in my new role. As Vice President Organization I am looking to keep up the culture we have implemented with our committees and set goals for our chapter to work towards over the coming year!
Allyson Schneider

Vice President Academic Excellence
Hi everyone! I am so excited and honored to represent Gamma Delta as this year’s new Vice President Academic Excellence! After serving on the academic committee, I found that I really enjoy encouraging others to meet their academic goals. I am currently a junior in Purdue’s nursing program, so high academic standards are something that I strive for personally. This year I hope to motivate our members to become more organized, manage their time, and uphold Kappa’s long-standing tradition of academic excellence. I cannot wait to see all of the amazing things that this new CC will do and I’m so thankful to be a part of this group of outstanding women!
Ashley Perry

Recording Secretary
I am so fortunate for the privilege to serve my first term on chapter council as recording secretary! I am a sophomore in the pre professional program with a pre-physician's assistant concentration and an Human development and family studies minor. I am looking forward to getting closer with the chapter council and helping Kappa move in the right direction! This year I will be updating the Bylaws and Standing Rules and I hope to involve more of CC on the decision making process. This year I hope to promote more senior involvement and attendance at Chapter and encourage members to read the minutes. I am so excited for this year and I can’t wait to see what the chapter council accomplishes.
Christian Smith

Corresponding Secretary
I am a sophomore in elementary education who is so excited to serve on Chapter Council for the first time! I am looking forward to serving as a bigger role model for the chapter. Kappa has brought me great friends who constantly love and encourage me to be the best that I can possibly be! My goal is to maintain close relationships with our advisory team and keep lines of communication flowing throughout the chapter this year.
Megan Hartkorn

I’m so thrilled to have been given the opportunity to serve on Chapter Council as Treasurer! I am a sophomore studying Finance in the Krannert School of Management. I’m eager to learn more while performing my duties as Treasurer and can’t wait to grow alongside my other CC members. My goal this year is to work closely with my advisors to implement new strategies for budgeting and organizing the chapters’ finances. Additionally, I plan to update budget variances weekly so that each CC member is aware of her allotted funds. I’m excited to work with a great group of women to push the Gamma Delta chapter to be the best it can be!
Sara Hanawalt

Hi! I am so excited to be serving my first term on Chapter Council! After joining this amazing organization, getting to be a leader within this chapter was something that was very important to me, so I was so excited when I was offered this position! I am a sophomore pursuing a major in management and just completed my spanish minor. As this new council term begins, I look forward to documenting our history and great memories we make this upcoming year, and getting to work with other positions keeping all of our chapters information up to date. My goals this year primarily include learning more about Gamma Delta’s chapter history, whether that includes important things our sisters have done over time, to collecting interesting and funny memories and stories from alumni, and what they’re doing now to teach our women how great we can be! I am so proud of how amazing this chapter already is, and just would love to continue to teach women that we are leaving a lasting impression for years to come and that these goals, accomplishments and even memories will last forever, and will be great for women to see what we have achieved in years to come.
Kiersten Smith

I could not be more excited to be elected as the new Marshal for Gamma Delta chapter! I’m so fortunate to serve on chapter council for a second term, and I cannot wait to see our chapter progress in the right direction over the next year. I’m currently a junior nursing student from Warsaw, Indiana on the path to graduate in May 2019 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Because of my love for kids, I hope to work in a pediatric or neonatal unit in the near future. I’m excited for my position as Marshal to enhance my knowledge of Kappa’s traditions, and it is my goal to challenge our members to appreciate the traditions that make this organization so special. I have no doubt this next year is going to be full of growth and lots of fun!
Caroline Metzger

Education Chairman
I am very excited to begin my first term on Chapter Council! I am a sophomore studying Environmental and Ecological Engineering here at Purdue University. I am excited to be more involved in the our chapter and to learn more about Kappa Kappa Gamma and the foundation that builds a house full of strong, confident women. My goal this coming year is to promote intellectual development and personal growth through leadership and skill-building activities. I cannot wait for a great year with the new Chapter Council and to be part of creating a comfortable environment for the members!
Kendall Shrack

House Chairman
I am so honored and excited to serve on my first term on Chapter Council this year! I am a sophomore studying Psychology and Human Development. I am so looking forward to helping our Purdue Kappa chapter move forward and grow! I would love to help the house grow forward in staff appreciation and take disrespect of the house more seriously. Also, I want to make sure to keep this position in high respect with the house and to maintain the great relations with our staff. I am very excited for what lies ahead with our amazing Chapter Council, I think that this is going to be a very productive year!
Claudia Hurt

Membership Chairman
I am so excited to be able to serve on our chapter’s council for another year! I am currently a junior majoring in Industrial Engineering and come from a family full of greek affiliates. Recruitment has always been something that I have really enjoyed and I can not wait lead our chapter through another successful year. I have already attended my first panhellenic meeting with our previous membership chairman where we discussed the upcoming dates for recruitment. Paige, our previous chair, was super helpful during transitions about what to expect, to look forward to, and be cautious of. We have a great group of girls in the house and I am excited to see the new pledge class they bring in!
Maddy Tippmann

New Membership Chairman
I am so honored to have the opportunity to serve the Gamma Delta chapter council as the New Member Chairman! I am currently a Sophomore in Purdue’s Nursing program with a minor in Human Development and Family Studies. I am so eager to begin my position in order to guide our new members to become great, inspiring women. I hope to be a great role model and friend to each member of my chapter and inspire others to do the same. I have already been the team captain for the new members through a dance marathon and have gotten to know each of their radiating personalities very well. I am looking forward to seeing what each of them has in store for our chapter because they each have such treasurable qualities. My goal this year is to encourage each of them to be the best version of themselves through friendship, dedication, and loyalty. I can’t wait to see what this chapter council has in store for this year, and all the great things we will accomplish!
Samantha Mckenzie

Panhellenic Delegate
Hi everyone! I’m Sam, and I am so excited to be serving on the Chapter Council of the Gamma Delta chapter! I am a Sophomore concentrating in Pre-Medicine with a Chemistry minor. I have begun to attend the Panhellenic Council meetings that take place every other week, and I am looking forward to being the ambassador between Purdue Panhellenic and our house. I hope to continue to develop and improve our relationships with other Panhellenic houses throughout the year and work to create more unity amongst our Greek Community! I know this chapter council will accomplish great things!
Kailyn Burns

Philanthropy Chairman
Hello! I am so honored to have received this position as Philanthropy Chairman and excited to serve my first term on chapter council! I am currently a sophomore year student, majoring in Selling and Sales Management. I am happy to be apart of such an amazing organization, and contribute to the philanthropic events and the greek community. My goal is to improve participation in these events and emphasize the importance of Reading is Fundamental and the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation. I hope to go beyond expectations of fundraising and supporting these organizations through planning fun and successful events. Along with fundraising, my goal is as well to give back to the community. I can’t wait to see what this year brings!
Sydney Donoho

Risk Management Chairman
Hi! I am looking forward to serving on this year’s Chapter Council as Risk Manager. I am a junior studying Early Childhood Education with Exceptional Needs. I am excited to see what is in store for our chapter this year. I hope to help the chapter stay on top of events and keep this chapter accountable.
Julia Bittner

Public Relations Chairman
Hi! I am so honored to be on this years Chapter Council as the Public Relations Chairman. I am a sophomore studying Mass Communication. I love the opportunity I have been given to be connected to those near and far. I hope to continue learning the newest updates and trends to show the world my kappa sisters. I think this will be a great year for our chapter!
Emily Faultless

Event Chairman
I am so excited and honored to be elected the event chairman for this next term! I am a sophomore studying General Communication. It is my plan to make all of the Kappa events as fun and safe as possible. I also want to make sure that everyone is making sure they are accountable for their actions and are making smart choices that will be a positive reflection onto our chapter and Kappa as a whole. I am so excited for a great year with this awesome Chapter Council!